The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

BMC AMI DevOps for Change Manager for IMS TM

BMC DevOps for BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM Plugin: BMC AMI DevOps for Change Manager for IMS TM

  • server : String
    URL or IP address.
  • port : String
    z/OSMF Port
  • user : String
    z/OS user name
  • pswd : String
  • jclContent : String
  • jclType : String
  • dlist : String
    The DELTA List PDS member name is also the DELTA List name. Any valid PDS member name is acceptable to BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM.
  • jobCard : String
  • acctno : String
  • dPds : String
    DELTA Lists for all BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM users are stored in the active DELTA List library (PDS).
    The DELTA List PDS is normally allocated with RECFM=VB, LRECL=259, and BLKSIZE=23476. Although the block size could be shortened or lengthened as needed, half-track blocking is recommended.
  • dOptionsPds : String

    Specify the name of the data set where the BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM Global Options load module (DLP$GBL0) should be stored or retrieved.

    It is recommended that you use the same data set that contains the IMSID options modules (DLP#iiii), and Group options modules (DLPZgggg).

    This data set should have been created during BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM installation. JCL to allocate this data set is included in the BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM control library.

  • target : String
    IMSID or GROUP NAME in which to execute the DELTA List.
  • mode : String
    Option 'Optimize execution', instructs DELTA PLUS to attempt execution of the ENTIRE DELTA List as a single unit-of-work in IMS. This is the recommended mode due to the speed in which the request is executed.

    Note: You must select this option for a DELTA List that is defined as Dependent to execute in the fashion Dependent implies.

    Option 'One element at a time', instructs BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM to execute the DELTA List sequentially, one element at a time. This mode is much slower than Optimize execution mode. However, there are certain occasions when one element at a time is desirable. For example, transactions T1, T2 and T3 all require the MAXRGN parameter be changed from 3 to 4. Since they must be stopped before they can be revised, you want them stopped for the shortest amount of time possible. With Optimized mode, ALL the /STOP commands are done BEFORE the DELTA revise is done, and ALL the /START commands are done AFTER the revise is done. Using 'One element at a time' mode, the /STOP is done for T1, T1 is revised, then the /START command for T1 is issued before any activity takes place for T2 or T3.

    This mode contains suboption Pause after elements with errors which instructs BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM to stop the DELTA List execution when an error is encountered. For additional information on the Pause option, place the cursor on the phrase highlighted above, and press HELP (F1).

  • ims_cmd : String

    It will process an EXECUTE input record to insert an IMS Command Element into the Delta List PDS Member.

    The EXECUTE input record format is as follows: EXECUTE /CMD Command_Parameters


  • title : String
    Title of the DELTA List. A maximum of 28 characters is allowed.
  • notes : String
    Notes for the Delta List Member
  • dlistRecords
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • action : String
    • elementType : String
    • elementName : String
    • ims_cmd : String
    • appnewname : String
    • appres : String
    • dbnewname : String
    • dbres : String
    • acc : String
    • auto : String
    • rand : String
    • randonly : String
    • rldareas : String
    • iovfext : String
    • dbrelgsam : String
    • dbcopyacb : String
    • apprelgsam : String
    • appcopyacb : String
    • ty : String
    • schd : String
    • appfp : String
    • dyn : String
    • gpsb : String
    • lang : String
    • apptls : String
    • rtcnewname : String
    • rtcinq : String
    • rtcpsbname : String
    • psb : String
    • trannewname : String
    • wfi : String
    • npri : String
    • lpri : String
    • lco : String
    • mseg : String
    • resp : String
    • cl : String
    • plc : String
    • time : String
    • para : String
    • uschd : String
    • traninq : String
    • recv : String
    • tranfp : String
    • emhs : String
    • mper : String
    • uc : String
    • edit : String
    • lsid : String
    • rsid : String
    • spa : String
    • spad : String
    • segs : String
    • oseg : String
    • msc : String
    • dc : String
    • mreg : String
    • ser : String
    • aoi : String
    • trantls : String
    • exptm : String
    • terminalmask : String
    • terminalnewname : String
    • sign : String
    • ltermmask : String
    • ltermnewname : String
    • ass : String
    • msn : String
    • l61 : String
    • subpoolmask : String
    • subpoolnewname : String
    • msg : String
    • bmcAppNew : boolean
    • bmcAppRes : boolean
    • bmcDbNewname : boolean
    • bmcDbRes : boolean
    • bmcAcc : boolean
    • bmcAuto : boolean
    • bmcRand : boolean
    • bmcRandOnly : boolean
    • bmcRldAreas : boolean
    • bmcIoVfExt : boolean
    • bmcDbCopyAcb : boolean
    • bmcDbRelGsam : boolean
    • bmcAppCopyAcb : boolean
    • bmcAppRelGsam : boolean
    • bmcTy : boolean
    • bmcSchd : boolean
    • bmcAppFp : boolean
    • bmcDyn : boolean
    • bmcGpsb : boolean
    • bmcLang : boolean
    • bmcApptls : boolean
    • bmcRtcsPsbName : boolean
    • bmcRtcInq : boolean
    • bmcRtcsNew : boolean
    • bmcPsb : boolean
    • bmcTranNewName : boolean
    • bmcWfi : boolean
    • bmcNpri : boolean
    • bmcLpri : boolean
    • bmcLco : boolean
    • bmcMseg : boolean
    • bmcResp : boolean
    • bmcCl : boolean
    • bmcPlc : boolean
    • bmcTime : boolean
    • bmcPara : boolean
    • bmcUschd : boolean
    • bmcTranInq : boolean
    • bmcRecv : boolean
    • bmcTranFp : boolean
    • bmcEmhs : boolean
    • bmcMper : boolean
    • bmcUc : boolean
    • bmcEdit : boolean
    • bmcLsid : boolean
    • bmcRsid : boolean
    • bmcSpa : boolean
    • bmcSpad : boolean
    • bmcSegs : boolean
    • bmcOseg : boolean
    • bmcMsc : boolean
    • bmcDc : boolean
    • bmcMreg : boolean
    • bmcSer : boolean
    • bmcAoi : boolean
    • bmcTls : boolean
    • bmcExptm : boolean
    • bmcTermMask : boolean
    • bmcTermNew : boolean
    • bmcSign : boolean
    • bmcLtermMask : boolean
    • bmcLtermNew : boolean
    • bmcAss : boolean
    • bmcMsn : boolean
    • bmcL61 : boolean
    • bmcSpMask : boolean
    • bmcSpNewName : boolean
    • bmcMsg : boolean
  • dlpLoadLibs
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • lib : String
  • vds : String
    Specify the name of the member (the Variable Definition Set) in the Variable Definition Library that contains the variable definitions for this DELTA List. The Variable Definition Sets are members that contain the definitions for the symbolic variables used by BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM in DELTA List processing.
  • goodRC : String
    Any value that is above the acceptable return code will be considered as FAILURE.
  • dependent : boolean
  • mark : boolean

    Select this field to inform BMC AMI Change Manager for IMS TM to execute Marked elements only.

    A beneficial use of this function is a DELTA List containing many elements that has failed. Instead of creating another DELTA List that contains corrections for the failed element(s) from the previous DELTA List, simply correct the error(s) in the original DELTA List, Mark only those elements which require execution, and select the 'Execute Marked elements only' option at DELTA List execution.

  • coord : boolean

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