The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

CloudBees CD

cloudBeesFlowCallRestApi: CloudBees CD - Call REST API

Call CloudBees CD REST API
  • parameters (optional)
    Specify the parameters for the REST API. Parameters are transformed into JSON object and used within body of HTTP request.
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • key : String
    • value : String
  • body : String (optional)
    Specify the body for the REST API. This parameter is not used if 'Parameters' are provided.
  • configuration : String (optional)
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • envVarNameForResult : String (optional)
    If provided, result of calling CloudBees REST API (json output) will be stored within provided environment variable available within build.
  • httpMethod : String (optional)
    Specify the HTTP Method
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • urlPath : String (optional)
    Specify the URL Path for the REST API

cloudBeesFlowAssociateBuildToRelease: CloudBees CD - Associate Build To Release

Updates the specified CloudBees CD release to include information about this build run.
  • configuration : String (optional)
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • flowRuntimeId : String (optional)
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • projectName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD project name.
  • releaseName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD release name.

cloudBeesFlowDeployApplication: CloudBees CD - Deploy Application

Deploy application using CloudBees CD.
  • applicationName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD application process name
  • applicationProcessName : String (optional)
    Specify parameters for the CloudBees CD pipeline.
  • configuration : String (optional)
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • deployParameters : String (optional)
  • environmentName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD environment name
  • environmentProjectName : String (optional)
    (Optional) Specify the CloudBees CD environment project name if it is different than project for application
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • projectName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD project name.
  • runAndWaitOption (optional)
      Nested Object
    • checkInterval : int (optional)
    • dependOnCdJobOutcome : boolean (optional)
    • throwExceptionIfFailed : boolean (optional)
  • validationTrigger : String (optional)

step([$class: 'ElectricFlowGenericRestApi']): CloudBees CD - Call REST API

Call CloudBees CD REST API
  • parameters (optional)
    Specify the parameters for the REST API. Parameters are transformed into JSON object and used within body of HTTP request.
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • key : String
    • value : String
  • body : String (optional)
    Specify the body for the REST API. This parameter is not used if 'Parameters' are provided.
  • configuration : String (optional)
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • envVarNameForResult : String (optional)
    If provided, result of calling CloudBees REST API (json output) will be stored within provided environment variable available within build.
  • httpMethod : String (optional)
    Specify the HTTP Method
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • urlPath : String (optional)
    Specify the URL Path for the REST API

cloudBeesFlowRunPipeline: CloudBees CD - Run Pipeline

Run a CloudBees CD pipeline.
  • addParam : String (optional)
  • additionalOption (optional)
    • Type: class net.sf.json.JSONArray
  • configuration : String (optional)
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • pipelineName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD pipeline name.
  • projectName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD project name.
  • runAndWaitOption (optional)
      Nested Object
    • checkInterval : int (optional)
    • dependOnCdJobOutcome : boolean (optional)
    • throwExceptionIfFailed : boolean (optional)
  • stageOption : String (optional)
  • stagesToRun : String (optional)
  • startingStage : String (optional)

cloudBeesFlowCreateAndDeployAppFromJenkinsPackage: CloudBees CD - Create/Deploy Application from Deployment Package

Create/Deploy an application in CloudBees CD from a deployment package.
  • configuration : String
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • filePath : String
    Specify the location or path for the deployment package to be published to CloudBees CD. E.g., MyProject/target. Please note that your path or pattern should include manifest.json and all files that are declared in manifest.json. This field supports ant-style path pattern matching and build-time environment variables.
    For example:
    "?" matches one character. Application.?ar will match both Application.war and Application.jar.
    "*" matches zero or more characters. Report.*ml will match Report.html and Report.xml.
    "**" matches zero or more 'directories' in a path. target/**/*.war will match all war files in any directory inside "target"
    To reference environment variable value, "$" should be used. For example, to reference the current build number: $BUILD_NUMBER.
    E.g., MyProject/**/*-$BUILD_NUMBER.war.
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • runAndWaitOption (optional)
      Nested Object
    • checkInterval : int (optional)
    • dependOnCdJobOutcome : boolean (optional)
    • throwExceptionIfFailed : boolean (optional)

cloudBeesFlowRunProcedure: CloudBees CD - Run Procedure

Run a procedure in CloudBees CD.
  • configuration : String (optional)
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • procedureName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD procedure name
  • procedureParameters : String (optional)
  • projectName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD project name.
  • runAndWaitOption (optional)
      Nested Object
    • checkInterval : int (optional)
    • dependOnCdJobOutcome : boolean (optional)
    • throwExceptionIfFailed : boolean (optional)

cloudBeesFlowTriggerRelease: CloudBees CD - Trigger Release

Trigger release in CloudBees CD
  • configuration : String (optional)
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • parameters : String (optional)
  • projectName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD project name.
  • releaseName : String (optional)
    Specify the CloudBees CD release name.
  • runAndWaitOption (optional)
      Nested Object
    • checkInterval : int (optional)
    • dependOnCdJobOutcome : boolean (optional)
    • throwExceptionIfFailed : boolean (optional)
  • startingStage : String (optional)
    • Starting Stage: Specify starting stage to run in the CloudBees CD release pipeline (Parameter is required if ‘Stages to run’ is not used)
    • Stages to run: Specify stages to run in the CloudBees CD release pipeline (Parameter is required if ‘Starting Stage’ is not used. Parameter is ignored if ‘Starting Stage’ is used)
  • validationTrigger : String (optional)

cloudBeesFlowPublishArtifact: CloudBees CD - Publish Artifact

Publish artifact to CloudBees CD Artifact Repository.
  • repositoryName : String
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD Repository.
  • artifactName : String
    Specify the name of the application artifact using the format <group_id>:<artifact_key>. For e.g., "com.example:helloworld"
  • artifactVersion : String
    Specify the version of the application artifact. For e.g., you can specify 1.0 or 1.0-$BUILD_TAG that is based on Jenkins environment variable.
  • filePath : String
    Specify the location or path for the artifact files to be published to CloudBees CD. This field supports ant-style path pattern matching and build-time environment variables.
    For example:
    "?" matches one character. Application.?ar will match both Application.war and Application.jar.
    "*" matches zero or more characters. Report.*ml will match Report.html and Report.xml.
    "**" matches zero or more 'directories' in a path. target/**/*.war will match all war files in any directory inside "target"
    To reference environment variable value, "$" should be used. For example, to reference the current build number: $BUILD_NUMBER.
    E.g., MyProject/**/*-$BUILD_NUMBER.war.
  • configuration : String
    Specify the name of the CloudBees CD configuration.
  • overrideCredential (optional)
      Nested Object
    • credentialId : String
  • relativeWorkspace : String (optional)
    Specify the relative workspace (relative to workspace root) for artifact path.

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